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HomeChina HotelsHotel a Zhengzhou

Holiday Inn Zhengzhou
Address: 115 Jinshui Road

▲Brief Introduction

Zhengzhou, in Henan Province - Central China's capital for business and major industries. Holiday Inn Zhengzhou is located in the city center and along the main avenue of Jinshui Road and is interconnected with the Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou. It offers you warm & friendly service, extensive recreational facilities and up to date modern requirements for both business and leisure travellers.


Holiday Inn Zhengzhou / 郑州中州假日酒店
115 Jinshui Road / 金水路115号
Tel: 0086-371-65950055
Fax: 0086-371-65990770
Tel: 0086-28-85541220 Fax: 0086-28-85541221 Email:
© China Chengdu Greatway Tour Co., Ltd.